Whilst taking stock, of what you’ve got,

It sometimes seems, its not a lot.

Things to do and bills to pay.

The same old routine every day.


Then just as good things, come your way,

They stay awhile, then race away.

For all the work and all the pain.

Quite often, nothing do we gain.


Our lives are short, in times great scale,

But whilst we strive, we often fail.

So we must grasp, not turn away,

That special time, that happy day.


For times like these, our memories hold,

They cant be lost, or bought or sold.

We keep them with us, deep inside,

For through our sad times they will tide.


Then as life leads us, on its way,

Friends and loved ones go away.

But we must cling to each new chance,

We can’t go back, we must advance.



As some are blessed with all lifes skills,

Other folk get all lifes ills.

So don’t sit lonely, on the shelf,

Get up, get out, enjoy yourself.



IAN WOOLGER...........

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